
Katherine Milling - Co-Founder - Chief Executive Officer

Katherine first came to Zambia in 2014 as a Peace Corps volunteer. While working with her community in Northwestern Province, she was exposed to the history and impact of beekeeping on the people in the area. Katherine has been working with rural Zambian beekeepers in Field Operations since she finished Peace Corps, and is passionate about protecting the local environment. Katherine is a Co-Founder and CEO of Nature’s Nectar.

Davies Ilunga - Field Supervisor

After completing his grade 12, Davies was a tutor for youth development. In 2015, Davies attended a honey production training and ever since has been working in the honey industry. With his years of experience working with beekeepers in Northwestern Province, Davies is an integral part of our team and has been with Nature’s Nectar since 2018.


Lavan Kansekeli - Field Supervisor

Starting with Nature’s Nectar in 2020, Lavan has proved to be a great member of staff. Growing up in a honey producing family, Lavan understands the struggles traditional honey producers have and works day in and out with Nature’s Nectar top bar beekeepers to help them produce the best honey possible.

Elisha Sinkonde - Field Supervisor

Completing a degree in Wildlife Management from Copperbelt University, Elisha understands the relationships between people and the environment very well. He sees beekeeping as a way to bridge the gap for communities to further enhance their ability to sustainably produce products, while contributing towards an environment where people and wildlife coexist.

Kyle Curry - Co-Founder - Special Projects

Kyle has been in Zambia since 2014 in various capacities from rural education to helping lead Nature’s Nectar. After a few years of researching various topics that impact rural communities and their local ecosystems, Kyle is working on integrating the work Nature’s Nectar does into larger benefit mechanisms for beekeepers across Zambia.


Zone Lead Farmers

Our Zone Lead Farmers manage the building, distribution and harvesting of hives in their communities. Chosen by their peers, they work to get the largest possible harvest from season to season. Zone Lead Farmers work on a commission based pay, meaning the larger the harvests the larger their payout. ZLF’s work closely with community members to track hive occupation as well as regularly bait and clean beehives. Through the Nature’s Nectar harvest model, sustainable harvesting methods protect the bees and their environment. All ZLF’s, their team receives a full harvest suit and kit during harvest to ensure farmer safety and protection.
